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Securing Your Brand: A Testament to Leading by Example

In the realm of business and entrepreneurship, securing your intellectual property is a non-negotiable. R.J. Pierce Law Group P.C., CEO Rosezena J. Pierce, exemplifies this principle by practicing what she preaches—securing her brand through a series of registered trademarks. Walking the Talk I, Atty. Rosezena J. Pierce, known as “The Biz Lawyer,” has made it

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How to Grow Your Trademark Portfolio: A Comprehensive Guide

Ever wondered what a Trademark Portfolio is and why your business needs one? We’ve been talking about the importance of getting a trademark for your business, but as mentioned in our previous email, trademarking isn’t a one-time thing. If you’ve been following us, you’ve seen how we emphasize how big business moguls like Beyoncé, LeBron

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Behind-the-Scenes: What Sets RJP Apart (According to Our Team)

  We pride ourselves on offering a client experience that goes beyond standard legal services.  Here’s what our team members see as the key reasons why clients choose R.J. Pierce Law Group, based on their own interactions and client feedback: Client-Focused Approach: Lolita and Antoinette, our Associate Trademark Attorneys see how clients consistently mention feeling

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